Brilliant Rose Autumn Olive (Organic)


Developed by Hector Black of Hidden Springs nursery in Tennessee over 20 years of working with Autumn olives it is said to be the best variety of all. Large orange red fruit has excellent flavor and is high in the anti-oxidant Lycophene which is thought to be preventative for cancer and heart disease.

69 in stock


Brilliant Rose Autumn Olive (Organic)

Weight 13 oz
Dimensions 10 × 11 × 12 in

Developed by Hector Black of Hidden Springs nursery in Tennessee over 20 years of working with Autumn olives it is said to be the best variety of all. Large orange red fruit has excellent flavor and is high in the anti-oxidant Lycophene which is thought to be preventative for cancer and heart disease.

In a 4×6″ pot. approx 3-4′ tall

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