Our Work
Grow Food. Grow Jobs. Grow Community.
Since 2009 Planting Justice has built over 550 edible permaculture gardens in the San Francisco Bay Area, worked with five high-schools to develop food justice curricula and created over 40 green jobs in the food justice movement for people transitioning from prison.

Food Sovereignty
We work to address the structural inequalities embedded in the industrialized food system:
• The systemic exploitation of food system workers (especially undocumented farm and kitchen workers)
• The lack of access to fresh, nutritious food in low-income communities of color
• Our culture’s over-reliance on packaged, processed food that is killing our bodies and our environment
We are transforming the food system one garden at a time. In the last 10 years, our team has built over 450 edible gardens throughout the Bay Area, empowering hundreds of people to grow their own food. Now, we’re cultivating urban farms and training centers that will dramatically increase the scope and scale of this work.
Economic Justice
By building a local, sustainable food system, we can create thousands of green jobs. We provide fair wages with comprehensive benefits for a dignified livelihood in the food system because our communities have been starved for safe, healthy, and empowering jobs for far too long.
By investing in food workers, we can reinvigorate our local economy, increasing access to nutritious food AND meaningful employment.

Community Healing
It is our intention to support healing justice in collaboration with marginalized communities who have been severed from their most optimal wellness due to structural oppression.
We support the well-being of marginalized communities and are committed to suturing access to the resources that support holistic health through providing communities with equal access to nutritious affordable food, dignified jobs, education, green space, safety & mobility.
Holistic Re-Entry