Check in, check in, check! What’s up with it, freedom followers? It’s the guy, I’m at it, y’all. Y’all do know that I’m passing this half a year mark, and like I said last time, It has not been all peachy. There was some ups and down and all the way around.
Anyway, happy Monday, it’s August 8th and I’m just checking in to let y’all know it’s all fair my world and with everyone’s help it will stay that way. So let’s crank things into gear. Working two jobs now! Yes, it’s a challenge to say the least but soon the reward will be great. #GetTheMoney is in full swing…Let me tell y’all, night time work, wow, I barely even know my days. But it’s keeping my focus and my focus is staying free. Continuing to work with youth and shine this wonderful light of mines throughout this world…So I’m shining and wishing you all the best until next time. Stay strong as I am, and continue to pray on all of our behalfs.
Peace y’all freedom followers,

Me with my twin – my daughter.