Planting Justice Nursery

Shop 1300+ varieties from our USDA certified organic nursery. Planting Justice is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization benefiting local California communities and formerly incarcerated citizens.


Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)With a mix of early, mid and late varieties, blueberry season can extend over 3 monthsBlueberries are delicious for fresh eating, preserving or in baked desserts. Berries are very high in antioxidants and other phyto nutrients, which studies have shown are good for preventing cancer, preserving eyesight and slowing the ageing process. These long-lived and productive ornamental bushes are attractive in bloom and have brilliant gold to red fall color. They also grow well in containers. Bushes grow 3-6 feet at maturity. They are partially self-fertile, but produce better with a second variety for a pollinator. We offer both southern and northern varieties to meet the needs of gardeners in varying climates

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