Planting Justice Nursery

Shop 1300+ varieties from our USDA certified organic nursery. Planting Justice is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization benefiting local California communities and formerly incarcerated citizens.

Pineapple Guavas (Feijoa sellowiana)

Pineapple Guavas (feijoa sellowiana)

South American evergreen shrub or small tree can occasionally grow up to 25 feet tall in mild winter climates. In areas with colder winters or snow load grows naturally as a 6 to 8 foot bush. Withstands pruning well and can be kept to any size. Often used as a hedge plant, or can be formed into an espalier. Has attractive cinnamon colored shaggy bark that is particularly showy when trained to tree form. Plants are easy to grow, disease free and drought tolerant once established. Most productive with irrigation. Seedlings need 2 for pollination and self fertile varieties produce heavier crops planted with a second variety or a seedling. Hardy to about 5 to 10 degrees, they are grown from zone 7 (sheltered areas) thru 9.

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