Pawpaw Seedling (Organic)
High quality seedlings from our own farm collected seed of our popular named varieties. Trees will take a little longer to come into production than our grafted trees, but they...
Shop 1300+ varieties from our USDA certified organic nursery. Planting Justice is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization benefiting local California communities and formerly incarcerated citizens.
Paw Paw (Asimina triloba)
A very pest and disease resistant easy to grow tree that has Beautiful gold fall color.
This big leafed almost tropical looking tree is native to many areas of North America. It is the hardiest member of the Cherimoya family, which includes many delicious tropical fruits. The fruits have thin greenish yellow skin, a few large seeds and a custard like texture with the unique aromatic flavor of bananas and mangoes. We find them to be a very tasty fall fruit. Fast growing trees reach 15+ feet and start producing in three years. They are hardy to -20 degrees. Need two for cross-pollination. Zones 5-9.