Eva’s Pride Peach (conventional)
Early ripening, low-chill peach with long harvest season. Large, firm, flavorful yellow freestone fruit is tangy when firm-ripe, sweet when soft-ripe. Ripens between May Pride and Mid-Pride. Highly recommended for...
Shop 1300+ varieties from our USDA certified organic nursery. Planting Justice is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization benefiting local California communities and formerly incarcerated citizens.
Peaches (Prunus persica)
Beautiful fast growing trees with showy pink blossoms and great fall color, bear prolifically at an early age. These delicious juicy sweet fruits are a treat whether eaten fresh, dried or canned. We offer a selection of exceptionally flavorful varieties that ripen over a long season, as well as a collection of the best curl resistant varieties. On peach rootstock. Self-fertile. Zones 5-9.
Early ripening, low-chill peach with long harvest season. Large, firm, flavorful yellow freestone fruit is tangy when firm-ripe, sweet when soft-ripe. Ripens between May Pride and Mid-Pride. Highly recommended for...
Spectacular display of gorgeous, red double flowers in spring. Large, firm, juicy, yellow free-stone fruit is richly flavored with a nice balance of acid and sugar. Highly rated in a...
A new variety that is very resistant to peach leaf curl. Bears good crops of late ripening, large fruit with red and white streaked flesh that is sweet and flavorful...
This unique, new peach variety was discovered as a chance seedling in Washington State, near Seattle. Avalon Pride Peach Trees bear pretty pink flowers that are followed by large, deliciously...
Early ripening popular freestone heirloom variety with white juicy sweet flesh. Skin has light fuzz. Low chill requirement. Precocious bearer. Hardiness zones 6-9.
This variety combines good yields, hardiness and disease resistance. It sets rosy freestone peaches with super-sweet, juicy white flesh. Self-pollinating. Cold Hardy to USDA Zone 5.
Early-Midseason peach. Popular yellow freestone. Large fruit is sweet, low in acid, with a mild, refreshing flavor. 5-6 ft. tree. High head form has 18″ trunk. 250 or fewer hours...
Charlotte peaches trees are lovely and disease-resistant! These semi-freestone peaches have a sweet peachy flavor. With gorgeous pink flowers, vibrant red/orange peaches, and leaves that turn all sort of beautiful...
This heavy-bearing tree offers fruit with great flavor and sweetness for such an early variety. Its medium-sized fruit has firm yellow flesh and yellow skin with a red blush. Requires...
A peento peach, these unique Chinese Peaches are prized for their donut shaped, sweet, delectable, juicy white fruit. This variety features masses of bright pink flowers in early spring followed...
Yellow skin with a red blush. Firm, excellent flavor, fine texture, yellow flesh. Medium to large size. Heavy producer-may want to thin some for larger sizes. Self-fertile. Semi-freestone. Require 225...
An excellent early season peach which is especially suited for mild winter climates and hot summer areas. Medium in size with highly colored skin of dark red blush. Good flavored,...
Early ripening sport of Redhaven.(Ripens 2 weeks earlier.) Has similar juicy fine sweet flavor. Mostly freestone medium-sized fruit. Very reliable bearer. Hardiness zones 5-8. Requires approximately 950 chill hours.
California’s leading peach for all purposes! Â Large peach, usually elongated, with golden yellow skin that flushes with red where exposed to the sun. Â Yellow flesh if very rich and sweet....
Adapted to mild winter climates of southern CA and Arizona. Larger fruit than Desert Gold, more tolerant of desert heat, better flavor. Skin 80% red blush. Ripens early May in...
Perfect for patios and small gardens. Flory is a natural dwarf peach growing only to 5 feet tall. It is known for its stunning spring blooms of double red flowers....
Midseason large freestone peach. This JH Hale offspring has yellow blushed red skin with firm juicy yellow flesh. Delightful peach with full-bodied flavor. Produces reliably. Hardiness zones 6-9. Requires approximately...
Medium to large fruit with a red blush over a yellow skin on this heavy producer. Excellent sweet flavor makes this heavy producer a joy in the summertime. This self-fertile...
Large, fairly firm, peach with yellow flesh and red blushed yellow skin. Excellent fresh peach doesn’t keep well for shipping, so industrial growers shy away from this homestead favorite. This...
Delicious sweet, good flavored medium-large red-skinned with gold flesh freestone peach from Canada. It is one of the most reliable for the rainy climates of the pacific northwest, consistently producing...
Midseason freestone produces very large fruits that have red blushed skin with light fuzz. A classic peach with superb flavor and texture. Needs to be pollinated by any peach other...
Great peach for mild winter areas. Medium to large, round. Dark red blush on skin. Firm, excellent texture and sweet, tangy flavor. Yellow with red flecks in flesh. Very heavy...
This unique variety was found in Ashland, Oregon and is prized for its disease resistance and large, attractive, sweet and flavorful, orange-yellow peaches and deep orange flesh.
Midseason large yellow freestone peach with excellent flavor and very light fuzz. Large showy pink blooms on a vigorous tree. A reliable producer.
This new peach leaf curl resistant variety from Canada is proving itself to be a reliable producer here in the rainy Pacific Northwest. Beautiful red blushed freestone fruit has delicious...
Late-midseason freestone variety has light red-blushed nearly fuzzless skin and exceptionally fine flavor. Another classic variety and one of our favorites. A vigorous and productive tree. Hardiness zones 5-8.  Requires...
Midseason semi-freestone produces tasty sweet and juicy yellow peaches. Resistant to peach-leaf curl. Midseason semi-freestone produces tasty sweet and juicy yellow peaches. Resistant to peach-leaf curl. Hardiness zones 5-9.
Early ripening freestone produces medium large yellow red blushed fruits with sweet melting juicy flesh. Heavy reliable bearer sets a good crop even in areas with wet and cool spring...
Known for its cold hardiness. Developed in New Hampshire, this tree produces a heavy crop of fruit as far north as Canada. Medium to large size, red blush over golden...
Very late season peach ripens in mid to late September for us here in northern California, a full 2 weeks after Summerset! Sweet and delicious, it produces heavy crops year...
Excellent tasting, early season peach. Recommended for mild winter areas. Does well in hot desert areas. Medium to large peach. Skin yellow with red blush. Flesh yellow, firm, medium fine...
Very large. Red blushed yellow skin. Firm, yellow flesh, red at pit. One of the best tasting August ripening peaches. Often used as a pollinizer for J.H. Hale. Require 900...
Beautiful, large, round, red- blushed freestone peach has excellent flavor and firm, juicy yellow flesh. Great fresh and for canning. Mid-season, ripening a week after Redhaven. Highly brown rot resistant,...
Early ripening semi-freestone white fleshed peach with yellow red blushed skin. Medium sized fruit is flavorful, sweet and juicy similar to Babcock. Trees have particularly showy pink blooms. The best...
Many consider this the BEST TASTING PEACH for homeowners! Â This large fruit, with yellow skin and a red blush, is freestone with yellow flesh that reddens near the pit. Â This...
Flowering and fruiting! Spectacular large dark-pink double blossoms. Yellow freestone fruit is large, juicy, sweet, low in acid, with a lovely flavor. Harvest mid-July in Central CA. Long-time favorite in...
Very cold hardy peach comes true from seed and is used as a rootstock in cold regions, as well as for their tasty peaches that can be grown where most...
Ideal peach tree for patios and small gardens. Peaches are large with yellow skin with a red blush. Flesh is yellow, freestone, and good eating quality. Requires 250 hours chilling...
Medium. Light skin with a pink blush. White, firm, aromatic, sweet, juicy, excellent flavored flesh. Requires 700 hours of chill below 45 degree F. Ripens Early July. Cold hardy to...
One of the latest to ripen. Large freestone peach with superior sweet flavor.” One of the best, and a glorious end to the peach season.
A new variety, the suncrest peach is a large, very firm, freestone with bright red skin, and is exceptionally good for canning. The tree is vigorous and a consistent producer....
A terrific peach seedling found growing near our guest trailer it is an abundant producer of large beautiful yellow blushed red, firm, but juicy peaches with an excellent flavor. Appears...