Planting Justice Nursery

Shop 1300+ varieties from our USDA certified organic nursery. Planting Justice is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization benefiting local California communities and formerly incarcerated citizens.

Hardy Kiwis

Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta)

Attractive vines have clusters of reddish green large grape like fruits that are sweeter and more intensely flavored than the fuzzy kiwis. Fruits also have a smooth skin, and can be eaten whole, skin and all. Vigorous heavy producing plants are grown on an arbor or trellis, same as the Fuzzy Kiwi, but are considerably hardier surviving temperatures down to –20 degree. They also ripen earlier than fuzzy kiwis, September-October. Most varieties need a separate male plant for pollination. Zones 5-9.

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