Planting Justice Nursery

Shop 1300+ varieties from our USDA certified organic nursery. Planting Justice is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization benefiting local California communities and formerly incarcerated citizens.

Filberts (Corylus avellana)

Filberts (Corylus avellana)

Beautiful small trees or shrubs produce delicious nuts, are easy to grow and ornamental year round. Showy attractive yellow catkins form in the fall and open in mid-winter releasing their pollen and fertilizing the bright red female flowers. Nuts form in flared papery husks and ripen in late August or early September. They naturally fall from the tree, but can be harvested early straight off the branches to beat the squirrels and birds. Soft rich green foliage turns gold in the fall. Can be trained to a single trunk tree to 12 feet or a multi- trunk shrub 8 feet tall. Prefers a cool and moist climate and is grown commercially in Western Oregon. In hot summer climates grow in partly shaded areas or on the north side of a house or trees. Eastern filbert blight has become a problem in many commercial filbert growing areas. Plant resistant varieties where it is a problem. Filberts are generally divided into main production types and pollenizers. Plant at least one variety of each type. Zones 5-9.


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