Common Chives
Allium schoenoprasum A hardy perennial herb. Easy to grow, chives pack a lot of flavor for their compact size. The plants form neat grass-like clumps of tubular leaves that contribute...
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Allium schoenoprasum A hardy perennial herb. Easy to grow, chives pack a lot of flavor for their compact size. The plants form neat grass-like clumps of tubular leaves that contribute...
Grows easily in medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Bushy, weedy, aromatic, blooms in summer (June-September) of small, 3/4” daisy-like flowers with white petals and button-like yellow center disks....
Houttuynia cordata Fish Mint is a herbaceous hardy perennial plant that can grow to 3ft in height and 3ft into circumfrence. Though not an actual mint, the herb is given...
Attractive herbacious perrinial is easy to grow in climates that do not freeze hard. Leaves are very sentisive to frost, but can resprout from the base if the rizomes are...
It is a very sweet spearmint, very slender pointed leaves and no trace of bitterness. It makes an excellent tea, and is good for desserts.
Alpinia galanga Herbaceous perennial native to Asia. Galangal is related to mainly for curries and soups. It has a ginger-like hotness but a sweetly aromatic flavor, used as a flaboring...
Greek Oregano (Origanum species) has a hot, peppery flavor and is very popular for use in Italian, Spanish, and Mexican dishes. Drought/heat tolerant once established, tolerant of poor soils. Tender perennial...
Westerfield hybrid mint developed from apple mint and lime mint. Soft green leaves have an apple-citrus scent and flavor. Pretty spikes of lavender flowers when in bloom. Interesting variety for...
Pretty bright green clumping herbaceous plant of the mint family, Lemon Balm has a gentle and very pleasant lemony scent to the leaves when crushed. Used as a herbal tea...
A lovely plant in the Apiaceae family (family of carrots, dill, parsley, fennel, etc.), this celery-like herb has been used both culinarily and medicinally for centuries! Lovage can be grown...
5 Loveage plants A lovely plant in the Apiaceae family (family of carrots, dill, parsley, fennel, etc.), this celery-like herb has been used both culinarily and medicinally for centuries! Lovage...
Mentha x villosa. This spearmint is from Cuba. It is the authentic mint use in making mojitos and it also makes a great seasoning for meats and confections. This strain...
Green leaves tinged with red are used in teas, salads and iced drinks with an citrus undertone
Apart of the Mint family, Pennyroyal grows in flooded or seasonally wet areas in full or partial sun. Zones 5-9.
Tulbaghia violacea (Society Garlic) – – A clumping evergreen perennial with fat, tuberous roots from which edible garlic flavored blades of grass emerge. From spring into fall, and sometimes longer...
Excellent delicious perennial vegetable that can steamed as a green or used in any way you would other greens such as Swiss chard or kale. Harvest the young shoots when...
Sweet Marjoram (Origanum x majoricum) also known as “Knotted” Marjoram because of its knot-like buds, is a versatile herb with a milder flavor than its cousin, oregano. It has a...
mentha x piperita ‘swiss‘- Interesting and hard to find mint variety used in the flavoring of Swiss candies. also sometimes called “Swiss Ricola” mint. Attractive upright-growing plant features large slender light green...
Mentha ‘Sister Julie’s Wintergreen’. Bred by Jim Westerfield, this mint tastes just like wintergreen candy. Light green leaves, make a nice cup of tea or use this mint in baking!...
(Origanum syriacum) Also called Syrian oregano, Lebanese Oregano, Arabic Oregano or Bible Hyssop. One of the main ingredients in the spice mixture Zaatar used extensively in middle eastern cuisine. Strong...
Gandana is a type of perennial leek grown in Afghanistan. This leek grows for about 3 years and is cut and come again similar to garlic chives. It also produces...
Grown since the first century, leaves can be broken open and the gelatinous juice applied to the affected area. Learn more below
Banana Mint (mentha arvensis) – Unusual banana scented leaves provide endless possibilities! This mint from France has a low growing creeping and trailing habit that makes this variety nice for...
Basil is an annual that can only be picked up locally
Sweet Italian Basil
Striking evergreen shrub has woolly silver green foliage and light lavender pink flowers.
1 Italian Oregano, 1 Swiss Mint, 1 Turmeric, and 1 West Indian Lemongrass (4 plants total). Certified organic. Italian Oregano (Origanum vulgare) has been used for centuries for a whole...
Tough vigorous perennial plant grows 2-3 feet tall, has attractive purple flowers and large long hairy leaves.
Known as He-shou-wu in China where it has been much revered for centuries as a restorative tonic and prescribed for many conditions. Has been called the elixer of life. A...
This classic culinary and medicinal sage has been highly valued for centuries for its flavorsome and health promoting leaves. Over the centuries has been used by herbalists for almost every...
(Allium tuberosum) Aka known as Chinese chives. Garlic chives can be used the way you use regular chives. They are distinguishable from chives by their flat, broader leaves and they...
Interesting culinary variety that has an unusual fruity gingered flavor. Good tea mint. Attractive compact variety good in containers and hanging baskets.
Bright green perennial ground cover does well in the shade.
An heirloom Japanese, perennial bunching onion; This onion produces year round in moderate climates and divides from the base. Mild and tasty. These are an essential ingredient in Japanese cuisine...
Italian Oregano is a cross of Oregano and Marjoram and has a mild flavor. Drought/heat tolerant once established, tolerant of poor soils. Tender perennial zone 8-10. USDA Organic Pot SIze :4 inch...
Our favorite mint. Very very strong minty smell and flavor. Great for making mint water or mint lemonade. Its fills up the garden with a strong mint smell when it...
Strong and delightfully fragrant lemon scented leaves are used in cooking, baking and healthful herbal teas and has been shown to have strong anti- oxidant and anti- candida effects on...
Our Lemongrass plants are vigorous, easy to grow, and pest and disease resistant. Enjoy using this flavorful foliage in your Thai and other Asian dishes. Cold Hardy to USDA Zone...
Strong deep-rooted leguminous perennial, Licorice sends its white flower topped branches 3-4 feet high each year.
Culinary mint variety with large dark green rounded leaves and tall upright growth habit. Citrus-lime scent and flavor. Good tea mint or served with fruit punch, margarita’s or other drinks
This mint has thick, fuzzy leaves and is light green in color. Scent is mild and sweet
Motherwort is an easy to grow herbaceous perrenial plant that has long been used in Europe, the Americas and China to make tinctures and other products for its calming and...
Rungia klossii’ A very popular in Papua New Guinea, Mushroom plant is a fast growing and bushy herb. The leaves have a very “mushroomy flavor” and the leaves can be...
Mertensia maritima Native to many a northern coastline on the Pacific and Atlantic, this uniquely briny plant delivers the oceanic taste of oysters, anchovies and mushrooms in its fleshy blue-green...
A vigorous upright mint with large, rounded green foliage. Sweet flavor and pear-like scent.
Strikingly beautiful scarlet-red blooms in late-summer through the fall and winter are a great late season food for hummingbirds and butterflys, hence its other name of Hummingbird sage. We love...
Grows in full/part sun, evergreen, in zones 4-11. Commonly used as tea for digestive and sleep issues. Flowers bloom in late spring and attracts butterflies/pollinators. Doesn’t require too much wate,...
Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) is a beautiful shrub that boasts lovely pink flowers and has the most amazing rose-scented leaves. Some people use the essential oil from the rose geranium...
Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus) Vigorous and easy to grow, Saffron Crocus plants are supplied in small pots and, after the first year of growth, can be easily divided to expand...
Vigorous easy to grow plants have incredibly sweet leaves that can be eaten fresh, used to sweeten drinks, desserts and more. Popular in Japan as a sweetener for several decades...
A smaller mint plant, with smaller bluish foliage and very compact. Definitely smells like strawberries and the foliage has hints of strawberry flavor when added to food or beverages. A...
Sweet Bay (Laurus nobilis) also known as Bay Laurel (not to be confused with CA Bay Laurel Umbellularia californica) this beautiful evergreen tree or large bush is native to the...
Beautiful and fragrant downy gray-green evergreen foliage host very intricate lilac blue flowers that can continue blooming until late into the fall. Excellent for attracting butterflies and beneficial insects, it...
Tropical rhizomatous herbaceous perennial in the ginger family. Turmeric has been a vital part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, regarded as an excellent tonic and blood purifier. Commonly referred to as ‘The...
Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus), known as Chaste Tree, is an attractive shrub or small tree grows quickly to 10 to 25 feet. Large aromatic leaves are topped by 6 to 12...
Also Known as Wild Yam and Cinnamon Vine it has been grown for centuries by the Chinese who savor it both as a tonic food and for its many medicinal...
Willow or Narrow Leaf Sweet Bay has long narrow fragrant evergreen leaves that can be used for the same culinary uses as regular Sweet Bay. Handsome dark green shrub or...
The native witchhazel can be grown as a large shrub or small tree and offers fantastic fall attributes. Fragrant, yellow flowers bloom from October through December. The foliage, attractive in...
Beautiful silvery-green soft foliage is super aromatic and grows on stems that can reach 3 to 4 feet tall. It is good as a companion plant in the garden, orchard...
Evergreen shrub or small tree native to South America, is a member of the holly family. Ornamental plants have dark green glossy leaves that are harvested and used as a...